
Customer Showcase # 34

Owner Name:  Frank
Location: Toorbul, QLD
Product: 3 Tower DIY Hydroponic Kit
Date Established: 2017
Growing Method:  Hydroponic (Drain to waste)
Sunlight: 5+ hours daily
Crops Growing: Various herbs and veggies


About: We have used Mr Stacky hydroponic towers for the past 4 years..we can grow 90% of our fruit and veggies and apart from the savings it’s great fun to watch your seedlings flourish in a matter of weeks..we run our Mr Stacky set up from a 100 litre tank and make up the mix to suit..this allows a months supply at a time with zero fiddling about using the supplied timer..We are getting on in years and there’s no bending or digging involved..that’s a huge bonus!.. we grow so much we share the harvest with friends and neighbours!

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