Victoria – Upper Caboolture, QLD

Customer Showcase # 209

Owner Name: Victoria 
Location: Upper Caboolture, QLD
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Asian veg, lettuce, spinach, silver beet & herbs



About: I started with one Mr Stacky Tower, I wanted something to grow my smaller produce like lettuce, spinach, silver beet and herbs, we have a very large vegetable garden in the ground in our back paddock, but it wasn’t convenient for the items we use on a daily basis. Mr Stacky has been absolutely superb, so much so I bought a second one recently and have started it with some seeds and will grow some Asian vegetables. My towers grow very well and they look fantastic, I’ve got to keep a close eye on them though as I think my mother in law wants to pinch one 🙂 

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Julie – Pennant Hills, NSW

Customer Showcase # 208

Owner Name: Julie 
Location: Pennant Hills, NSW
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Lettuce



About: Loving the fact I can grow veggies in winter and avoid the lettuce crisis! 

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Craig – St Clair, NSW

Customer Showcase # 207

Owner Name: Craig 
Location: St Clair, NSW
Product: 3 Tower DIY Garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight: 4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Kojlrabi, Kale, Radichhio, & Pak Choi 



About: We initially purchased 2x 5 Tier Towers and were impressed with the results so we purchased an additional 2x 5 Tier Vertical Towers earlier this year. We found the top tier of each Tower could be used for larger plants such as Squash, Kohlrabi, Kale, etc, so we took the top layer off 3 of the Towers and made a 5th smaller Tower. This also aided in reducing shading of our other pots around the Towers.

We had some issues through Summer, Autumn and early Winter with the excessive rain we copped here in Sydney which didn’t allow us to keep the nutrients up in the Towers, so we got some quality organic fertiliser and mixed it into the Coir in the Towers and just applied the nutrient mix between rain periods. As you can see from the photo, we have had some great results growing Kojlrabi, Kale, Radichhio, and Pak Choi in the DIY Tower! We also have Endive, Corn Salad, Rocket, and various types of Lettuce flourishing in the rest of the Towers!

These Towers are GREAT! They are real space savers and has enabled us to expand our garden with the limited space we have. Thanks to Mr Stacky, we are now able to grow more fresh produce, in the limited space we have, and enjoy eating food knowing how its grown!

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Sonja – Coomera, QLD

Garden Fail # 13

Owner Name: Sonja
Location: Coomera, QLD

I have very little skill and knowledge in growing anything. The Mr Stacky hydroponic systems seems just the perfect thing to use to be successful in growing our own food especially in these difficult times. My attempts does not work so well. 



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Sarah – Nowra, NSW

Customer Showcase # 206

Owner Name: Sarah 
Location: Nowra, NSW
Product: 9 Tower DIY Garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Organic 
Sunlight: 2-3 hours daily
Crops Growing: Herbs, leafy greens



About: At this time of year, winter the towers only receive about 2 hours of sun, from about 9am. They are still productive and produce so much herbs and green leafy vegetables. They do germinate seed well which I then plant in to Gardens around the house. 

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Garden Fail # 12

Owner Name: Sean

My wife suggested I needed to remember to water …. then she suggested. I get a Mr Stacky and set up a water timer. I think she may be right. Thanks Sean. 



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Robert – Bellara, QLD

Customer Showcase # 205

Owner Name: Robert 
Location: Bellara, QLD
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Lettuce



About: Lettuce expensive? Not with these.We grow lettuce 12 mths of the year with a trolley Mr Stacky. Just follow the sun in winter and hide from the harsh midday in summer. Simple effective and cheap. 

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Deb – Maidstone, VIC

Customer Showcase # 204

Owner Name: Deb 
Location: Maidstone, VIC
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  2-3 hours daily
Crops Growing: Various



About: I work in international development, focusing on agriculture and food systems, and I have a team of agronomists at my disposal, so I figured I better have a go at ‘farming’ myself! I have a tiny backyard and have struggled with pests and weeds before in a traditional garden box, so I thought I’d give a Mr Stacky a try. So far I’m pretty pleased with the results! 

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Kaz, Helensvale, QLD

Customer Showcase # 203

Owner Name: Kaz 
Location: Helensvale, QLD
Product: Smart Farm Tower Garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight: 5+hours daily (full sun)
Crops Growing: Various



About: I wanted to have a secure way of growing our own food. Mr Stacky is easy to set up and with the solar panel, I can run the hydro when the power is out. Harvest is beautiful and fresh. Love my Mr Stacky! 

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Olivia – Lakes Entrance, VIC

Customer Showcase # 201

Owner Name: Olivia 
Location: Lakes Entrance, VIC
Product: Smart Farm Tower Garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight: 5+hours daily (full sun)
Crops Growing: Kale, micro greens 



About: Sooo easy to use! Easy maintenance and very rewarding watching everything grow. I love growing all different types of Kale; inexpensive when you grow this superfood yourself and no nasty chemicals on it!! Such peace of mind.
I love growing Microgreens in my Mr Stacky too. The solar panel is fantastic, I love it. You never know what special surprises you’ll encounter in your Stacky, checkout my 3rd photo! 

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Janelle – Yinnar, VIC

Customer Showcase # 200

Owner Name: Janelle 
Location: Yinnar, VIC
Product: Raised 5 Tier Garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  5+ hours daily (full sun)
Crops Growing: Various



About: The raised garden towers are a game changer in an area that rabbits are a problem. 

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Mark – Tura Beach, NSW

Customer Showcase # 199

Owner Name: Mark 
Location: Tura Beach, NSW
Product: Air pump & stone
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight: Greenhouse
Crops Growing: Various



About: Great value on grow crystals. 

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Jo – Moorland, NSW

Garden Fail # 11

Owner Name: Jo
Location: Moorland, NSW

The Kids Kept Eating and the Rain Came Down

One balmy spring eve, down on the farm
Dad looked around the table, and said with alarm,
“These kids, they are eating and growing so fast,
Each week we buy more, to make the food last.”
“Yes, it’s true,” Mum said with a sigh. 
“Eating is their hobby, that’s a big reason why.”
Dad thought for a while, then suddenly said,
“I know what we’ll do. We’ll plant a garden to get ahead.”
His eyes were bright as he thought of the feast,
Cucumbers and onions, and tomatoes, at least. 

The next day he came home and said with a grin,
“Listen up, family, I’ve had a great win. 
Sawdust and horse poo, mixed up with wee,
A lovely big pile has been given to me.”
Dad set to work to clear the yard
He cut down weeds and worked so hard.
Then he got out his shovel and his hoe
And dug in the compost; the going was slow.
But at last it was done and the fun could begin,
Planting the seeds, and putting veggies in. 

The garden looked great and all were so proud,
They watered the lettuce and praised the tomatoes out loud.
But one fine day, disaster struck;
Flea beetles arrived and it was such bad luck. 
They ate all the eggplants until nothing was left. 
“Oh, well,” said Dad, “we’re still not bereft.”
The following week, it started to rain,
The weeds took off and became a great pain.
In the morning they were little and by the evening they had seeds,
Dad shook his head and muttered, “What’s up with the weeds?”

Then all the lettuce got eaten by grubs
Despite Mum’s best efforts with netting for bugs.
The capsicums were next; they got eaten by rats
In sheer desperation, Dad sent in the cats. 
The rain came along and so did the fungus
It rained for days, and the weeds grew humungous.
Dad’s tomatoes went yellow from being too wet
And the birds knocked off the fruit that had set. 
The rain came down more and the garden was mud
Dad started to feel that his garden was a dud.

One day, Mum managed to have a small win
She held up her prize, and her face wore a grin
“I beat the rats!” she said, feeling silly
But the capsicum she picked turned out to be a chilli. 
No one could eat it and it went in the bin
Mum’s face fell and she lost her grin. 
“This is crazy,” Dad said with a sigh. 
“This garden isn’t fun and I’m telling no lie.”
And the kids kept eating everything in sight
As Mum and Dad stopped to consider their plight.

“Mr Stacky has the answer,” Mum said at last. 
“We can keep out the rats, and things will grow fast
The plants will get big and the tomatoes will set
And it won’t matter if it gets too wet.”
“All right,” said Dad. “Let’s give it a go.”
But the following week came a tale of woe.
The car broke down and needed repair
And Mum shook her head and said in despair,
“Mr Stacky must wait till we pay this bill.”
But the sad truth is, he is waiting still!



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Lynne – Bonniefield, WA

Customer Showcase # 198

Owner Name: Lynne 
Location: Bonniefield, WA
Product: 3 Tower Smart Farm
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight: 5+hours daily (full sun)
Crops Growing: Capsicum, silverbeet, eggplants, bok choy, spinach, peas, leeks, beans



About: I chose Mr Stacky due to a time poor life, and providing a source of greens that my children could help with and eat! We are in a poor soil area, so any traditional garden required a lot of effort to get started. Unfortunately we lost some to a storm (the empty planters), but even in July, our capsicum, silverbeet and Eggplants are hanging on, as the leeks, beans, peas, bok Choy, and spinach take off!

Hints… plant creeping plants with heavy fruit in the lower tiers, such as tomatoes, capsicium, cucumbers, eggplant, beans and peas. This gives more stability to the tower and room to the plants to spread without shading out others. As the season changes I put flowers in to fill spots, it’s so lovely!

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Melissa – Mandurah, WA

Customer Showcase # 197

Owner Name: Melissa 
Location: Mandurah, WA
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Various



About: Growing lots of food in a small space & conveniently placed just outside my door under my patio. 

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Sally – Glen Iris, VIC

Garden Fail # 10

Owner Name: Sally
Location: Glen Iris, VIC

So this is my “backyard”, after recently downsizing. Not a lot of scope for a traditional veggie patch! But a vertical garden?? Perhaps the perfect solution. I would love to be able to grow quality fresh green vegetables in my “backyard”. I get plenty of sun from the east and the north and am looking for a way to make this happen. I’m so keen to achieve a level of self-sufficiency, despite living in an apartment. 



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Linda – Stake Hill, WA

Garden Fail # 9

Owner Name: Linda
Location: Stake Hill, WA

Failed attempt 1 – I tried to grow microgreens for our family’s meals by sprouting them on a piece of damp, clean hessian. I thought the hessian might support the roots of the emerging seedlings and that we’d have nutritious sprouts whenever we wanted them. Initially I immersed the hessian in boiled rainwater. Then I lay the hessian on a tray and sprinkled the seeds onto it. I sat the experiment in the middle of the dining table – my vision was for the family to harvest greens directly from the centrepiece without making a mess. We did manage to harvest some sprouted microgreens after about four days. However within a week black mold developed on the hessian and I had to throw the experiment out. I’m not sure why the mold developed. It looked like the mold that sometimes develops on bread, so maybe I should have had the tray covered.
Failed attempt 2 – I tried to grow lettuces and strawberries using a large plastic sistema tub to hold my hydroponic solution, however the lettuces wiltered and I failed to get any strawberries on my plants. Initially. I started the lettuce and strawberry seedlings in some peat pellets – (the type that swell when they contact water.) I used a holesaw to make some holes in the lid, that were about the size of the pellets. Once the seedlings were established I transferred them into the main tub – I pushed the pellet seedlings partly into the holes, so their roots would grow towards the water in the tub below. I had a fish airstone in the water and a dash of hydroponic solution. I also used rainwater. I’m not sure why the seedlings failed to thrive. It might have been because the tub was clear and the water got too warm. When I I noticed the seedlings weren’t growing well, I put alfoil around the sides of the tub to exclude the light, but that didn’t really help. As you can see from my failed attempts, I’m a novice when it comes to hydroponics. 



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Michelle – Pacific Pines, QLD

Customer Showcase # 196

Owner Name: Michelle 
Location: Pacific Pines, QLD
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Various



About: I have limited space and limited (winter) sun exposure in my townhouse courtyard so the only way was up! Mr Stacky vertical garden means I can grow food in my limited space and as I rent, I can easily take it with me. I planted mostly from seed and I’ve got 8 different veg and herbs planted. On day two I had a visit from a local bee drinking some water from the edge of the garden – made my heart sing! Looking forward to the warmer weather to see my Stacky in a sea of green!

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Alex – Oatlands, NSW

Customer Showcase # 195

Owner Name: Alex 
Location: Oatlands, NSW
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Soil 
Sunlight:  4-5 hours daily
Crops Growing: Various



About: We love our Mr Stacky vertical gardens! We are renters who enjoy gardening and growing our own produce, so these are the perfect temporary garden beds for us. We got them about a year ago and we can’t wait to see how they go in the warmer months (with hopefully less rain this time!) and to try out some hydroponic growing too.

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Allen – Spring Grove, NSW

Customer Showcase # 194

Owner Name: Allen 
Location: Spring Grove, NSW
Product: 5 tier vertical garden
Date Established: 2022
Growing Method: Hydroponic 
Sunlight:  5+ hours daily (full sun)
Crops Growing: Strawberries



About: ): Hoping for a big strawberry harvest. Included a member of the family (not human) in photo. Towers look great. Watering can be tricky. Usually liquid fertilizer mixture in to top levels and let it soak down to other levels then water all as needed. Re circulated water that accumulates in bottom tray using little bird feeders . See pictures. Can overflow tray if over watered..

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