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Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm



Mr. Stacky is a revolution in vertical farming.  This Tower Farm has Minimal Startup Cost | Huge Yield p/sqm | Energy & Water Efficient | Off Grid Capable | Smart Tech Automation Capable | Space Saving | Modular | Set-up Anywhere | Durable & Built to Last.

Choose between the ‘simple’ or ‘advanced’ fittings packages + add on’s including greenhouses, outdoor netting solutions, in-line EC monitorring systems etc.  Mr Stacky are experts in Hydroponic Tower Farming and can get you growing quickly with fast delivery from Gold Coast, QLD.

Rough Business Case (Strawberry Farm):
Upfront costs – $5000 + labour
Production – 1200 to 2400 kg strawberries p/year (40-80kg p/tower)
Revenue – $24,000 to $48,000 p/year (Selling retail at $18 p/kg)
Ongoings – $3000 + labour p/year (eg. Water, nutrient, growing medium)
Profit Y1 – $16,000 – $40,000     (2x, 3x, 10x with every 30 Towers!)


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Tower Farming Australia

Low Cost | High Yield | Commercial Quality 

Exponential Yield with Every Stack

Rising food prices are a major issue in Australia. IF you have any small piece of land, you can monitize it with a semi-passive income stream.   This 30 tower farm can hold up to 1200 plant sites and requires no more than 45 sqm of land!   

The key to a successful farm in your backyard is using the right automation and growing technique.  By choosing Mr Stacky you are leveraging the collective knowledge gained by thousands of successful growers worldwide.

beautiful set up
60 tower farm 2 weeks growth

Why Choose a Tower Farm?

Amazing Value

Start up cost @ $118 p/tower with 28 plant sites p/sqm! Easily scale up to 60 plant sites p/sqm (Ask us how).

Amazing results

Expect robust, healthy, prolific growth & commercial quality produce. See below video for what crops grow best in tower farms.

Smart Technology capable

Choose the 'commercial fittings' option above for Wifi controlled irrigation from your phone. In-line EC/PH/Temp metering solutions also available etc.

Outdoor or Greenhouse

The Coco/perlite medium is an effective buffer against temperature variance enabling successful growth in various climates. See our outdoor overhead netting solutions or greenhouse & poly tunnel packages

Water Efficient

Tower farms can use up to 98% less water than traditional farming methods. Every drop of water is delivered directly where it is needed.

Hydroponic or Organic Nutrients

With hydroponic fertigation we inject nutrient into the water flow. With Organic, we add pelletized nutrient to the medium then add normal water + our secret sauce organic supplements for incredible yields.

Energy Efficient & Off Grid capable

Each tower requires only a small flush of water 3 times p/day. Compare that to aeroponics or NFT where constant recirculation is needed and the energy saving is massive! Solar options also available.

Quality Service

Dedicated Australian office with phone support and expert assistance. Detailed installation instructions included or we can set-up the whole farm for you.

Best Crops for Tower Farms

General Info

A Conservative Business Case

30 Tower Parsely, Basil, Coriander, Mint Farm

  • 30 meter area (3 x 10)
  • 4 plant sites p/stack, 7 stacks p/tower = 840 total plant sites
  • 2 bunches p/plant site p/month = 1680 bunches
  • 1680 bunches @$1.50 p/bunch = $2,520 gross sales p/month
  • $2520 p/month x 12 = $30,280 p/year
  • Upfront investment $5000
  • On-going costs approx $3000 p/year
  • (nutrient + water + coco coir + packaging)
  • Net income Year 1 – $22,280
    Note: Yield increases if you stack higher!  (see addon’s + overhead meshing solutions)

      2x, 3x, 10x the yield with every 30 towers!

Commercial Farming FAQ

We recommend min 1 to 1.2 meters apart to ensure adequate sun to all sections of the farm.

This is an excellent method to increase sunlight to the lower parts of the tower.   In fact out latest recommended design for commercial set-ups is 3 meter poles that are secured overhead with simple wiring.   Then a planter at the base of the tower, then first tier 500mm above the ground, then 5 medium stacks, then 25mm spacer, than 5 medium stacks.  See this picture for an example

  • Commercial quality yields (vertical growing methods)
  • No waste product or flushing of system required
  • Low operational costs
  • Plant constantly receives fresh nutrient instead of reconstituted/depleted nutrient
  • Easier to maintain a consistent PH level 
  • Nutrient water is less prone to pathogen attack
  • Significantly less logistical and maintenance issues compared to re-circulation
  • Effective insulation of roots from extreme heat (using coco/perlite medium)
  • Strong buffers against any prolonged moisture loss 
  • Almost no electricity usage as there is no water pump required
  • Highly cost effective with reusable medium 

This depends on a range of factors including sunlight, temperture, plant types and phases etc, but as a rule, we recommend budgeting for 1 litre per tower per day. 

Vertical farming with hydroponic technologies are expanding rapidly all across the world due to increased urban farming demands and production needs. 

Most hydroponic facilties carry a substantial infrastructure outlay with the need for greenhousing, water re-circulate, water, temperature and pest management, reservoirs, pumping etc etc. 

The infrastructure cost of a Mr Stacky tower farm are significantly less other systems with arguably an even better yield per square meter.   With our latest farming methods, we have simple and scalable solutions for pest management, crop rotation, sunlight optimization, wind management and even an innovative per tower mini greenhouse solutions.   

With a recirculating farm (eg. NFT), you run the risk of water born diseases being carried through to the entire farm.   Our tower farms use a fertigation method which ensures fresh clean nutrient every feed with almost no water management overheads or expensive monitorring systems.  

Our injectors are high quality with 1 year warranty and come with replacement parts to maintain optimal useage over time.   They are used in commercial fertigation set-ups all over the world.   They work like a venturi.   As water is pushed through (from water pressure), a suction action is created inside the device, which extracts liquid fertilizer from a reservoir below and injects this into the flow of water which goes out to the garden.  It is adjustable so you can varry the output from 0.4% – 4.0% 

Fertilizer Injector FAQ's

No, it’s actually very easy.   Just install it against a wall between the garden and your water mains or water tank.  The hardest bit is ensuring the right EC to your garden.   We show you exactly how to do this.   See this video

These devices have been used in large scale agriculture & farming practices for decades.     They are powered by water pressure.   As water enters through the inlet, it drives an internal suction action just like a toilet plunger.   This creates a vaccuum within the device which draws nutrient upwards from a tank below and injects this into the water flow at quantities between 0.4% to 4% of the total flow.

  • No electricity needed 
  • No pumps needed (if using water mains)
  • No reservoirs needed
  • Injects fresh nutrient every feed
  • No recirculation needed
  • Long lasting, commercial quality
  • Allows precise nutrient measurement
  • Automated & easy to maintain

This set-up is best used for larger scale operations which are cycling through more than 100 litres of water per week.   It means you spend less time managing your reservoir.   Because they rely on water pressure, they’re much more scalable then a water pump.  2 injectors are sufficient to power an entire 100 tower farm.   (Part A & Part B nutrient)

They come with a 1 year warranty on malfunction or parts replacement.   They also come with replacement seals which can be used after 1 year or so to extend the life of the device well past 2-5 years.   

Basically, this is a high quality venturi.   You can pickup small venturi devices for $20 but in our experience they don’t work!  It’s very hard to regulate the amount of suction and you end up wasting heaps of nutrient.   Also, the venturi’s we’ve tested are very tepremental.  It might work ok for a day, and then it stops sucking properly and your constantly second guessing if it’s working!    These injectors are made for commericial growers who need consistency and longevitiy.   Yes, the cost more, but they’re worth it.

Typically, the main issue is build up of mineral salt in the 6mm hose which extends into your nutrient solution.   This can be easily resolved cleaning the hose fortnightly with a wire or simply running clean water through it.   

For commercial farms, we recommend 2 x injectors.   1 for Part A & 1 for Part B.   However for smaller residential set-ups, simply use 1 injector and combing the Part A & B nutrient in one reservoir at an EC of 15.   This ensures no significant nutrient ‘lock-out’ or detrimental results.   See these results.  (All based on 1 injector and combined Part A &B at EC15)

Hydroponic Nutrient FAQ's

There is much conjecture about the nature of hydroponic nutrients and their safety in comparison to ‘natural’ or ‘organic’ soil.    See this article for detailed info.  

The artical concludes that:
a) Hydroponic nutrients are derived from the same base materials that conventional soil based nutrients are made 
b) There is no evidence to support that plants grown with hydroponic mineral salts are detrimental to human health in any way.   This evidence is based on multi-decades of analysis and use worldwide.   

All plants need fertilizer to grow.  In traditional gardening plants receive nutrient from the soil which is enriched with minerals and organic additives which may include manure & compost.   These soil additives can be very effective, but as with many ‘organic’ products, there is the potential for large disparity in the actual contents. 

Nutients can be categorized as follows: 

1) Macronutrients.  Plants need these in large amounts.   This includes: Hydrogen, Carbon, Nitrogen, Oyxgen, Phosphorus, Calcium.  
2) Micronutrinets.   Plats need these in small amounts>
This includes: Zinc, copper, iron, manganese, boron, cholorine, nickel, molybdenum, nickel.

Standard hydroponic nutrients are derived from mineral salts.  Hydroponic nutrients are simply plant nutrients that are designed for use in a hydroponic system. Plants require 16 elements to grow. Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen are already available in the air and water that they are receiving.

Mr Stacky Pty Ltd
Tallai, QLD 4213
ACN 658 668 636

Additional information

Weight N/A
Dimensions N/A
Pot Size

Large (45cm width), Medium (33cm width)

Farm Kit Inclusions

Advanced (commercial fittings), Planters Only, Simple (residential fittings)

3 reviews for Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm

  1. Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm photo review
    Julie-anne Smythe
    September 3, 2023
    Very happy with this purchase, we use half of the farm to 2 local restaurants with fresh Kale and herbs than the other half for our family. Cannot b...More
    Very happy with this purchase, we use half of the farm to 2 local restaurants with fresh Kale and herbs than the other half for our family. Cannot believe how prolific these towers are. Would not go back to growing in ground...
    Helpful? 1 0
    Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm photo review
    Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm photo review
    Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm photo review
    August 5, 2022
    Pilot program to grow Strawberries, 25 towers last year, 50 towers this year.
    Helpful? 0 0
    Smart Farming 30 Tower Farm photo review
    Steven Mitchell
    July 11, 2020
    We used to grow our vegies in the dirt. The Stacky system has increased our yield five fold and greatly diminished the pests and weeds we are seeing. ...More
    We used to grow our vegies in the dirt. The Stacky system has increased our yield five fold and greatly diminished the pests and weeds we are seeing. We have had success growing a wide variety of vegies. The system is efficient and so easy to set up and maintain compared to traditional raised beds. We have converted our old raised beds to only larger plants and this has increased our yield of cabbages, Broccoli, corn, potatoes etc as well. We put 20 towers in our Greenhouse and 13 outside. In Stacky we have found lettuce, Bok Choy, Kale, Spinach etc to work particularly well. One of the best investments we have made.
    Helpful? 2 0
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